
Fájl:234 Solanum tuberosum L.jpg


Potato belongs to the Solanaceae family of plants, which starchy tuber cultivated globally.

Potato plants are herbaceous annual that grow about 50–90 cm high, depending on variety, the culms ( lágyszár) dying back after flowering. They have white, pink, red, blue, or purple flowers with yellow stamens.

Potatoes are pollinated mostly by insects

After potato plants flower, some varieties produce small green fruit ,each containing up to 300 seeds. Potato fruit contains large amounts of the toxic alkaloid solanine and is therefore unsuitable for consumption, it is poisonous.A related species is Nightshade which is very poisonous.


Following theSpanish conquest of the Inca Empire  the Spanish introduced the potato to Europe in the second half of the 16th century.




A burgonya

  • 18% keményítőt,
  • 1–2% fehérjét,
  • 110–180 mg/kg B-vitamint,
  • 700–1000 mg/kg C-vitamint,
  • valamint kevés A- és K-vitamint tartalmaz. A tárolt burgonya C-vitamin-tartalma mintegy 600 mg/kg-ra csökken. Könnyen emészthető; és hűvösben tárolva más zöldségekkel ellentétben jól és sokáig eltartható.
  • A burgonya, a köznyelvben krumpli, tájnyelvi nevén kolompér, krompé vagy pityóka. A burgonyafélék családba tartozó növény, amit keményítőben gazdag gumójáért termesztenek világszerte



The Colorado potato beetle also known as the Colorado beetle, the ten-striped spearman, the ten-lined potato beetle or the potato bug, is an important pest of potato crops

File:Colorado potato beetle.jpg


Idioms with potato:

coach potato: a lazy person, addicted to television-watching  ( Tv függő ember)

a hot potato: something that is difficult or dangerous to deal with  ( ( forró talajon jár)

the meat and potatoes: the most important or basic parts of something ( sava -borsa )


A funny song :