Common features of plants:
- All plants are multicellular & contain chlorophyll inside of chloroplasts
- Plants (also called autotrophs or producers) trap energy from the sun by photosynthesis & store it in organic compounds
- Heterotrophs or consumers get their energy directly or indirectly from plants
- Plants also release oxygen needed by consumers
- Many medicines are produced by plants
- Plants are very diverse & may be terrestrial( szárazföldi) or aquatic
- Vary in size from 1 mm in width to more than 328 feet
- May live a few weeks or some over 5000 years
- More than 270,000 plant species identified, but new species still unidentified in tropical rain forests
A little mathematics
How many metres are there in 328 feet?
1 foot = 0.3048 meters
This plant is .......?............ metres.
Növények országa: Plantae Kingdom
algae ( algák)
mosses ( mohák)
horsetails ( zsurlók) ferns ( harasztok)
flowering plants ( virágos növények)
gymnosperms (nyitvatermők)
conifers /ginkoes / cycads (tűlevelűek, ginkó félék, cikászok) evergreens
angiosperms ( zárvatermők) ) flowering plants that produces seeds within a fruit
monocots / eudicots ( egyszikűek/ kétszikűek)
Angiosperms ( zárvatermők)
- herbaceous (lágyszárúak) plants
- woody ( fásszárúak) plants
Parts of a plant Roots -> Take in water and food (mineral salts) from soil. Anchors plants. The roots of a plant are spread out. Stem -> "Like a straw", transports water through plant. Raises the height of flowers and leaves. Brings closer to light. Structural. The stem is made up of little tubes. Leaves -> Different shapes. Almost always green but sometimes covered with another colour such as red. Green substance in leaves -> chlorophyll. Leaves make food for the plant. To do this they need the water and mineral salts collect from the soil. They are carried inside little veins in the leaf. To make food leaves also need sunshine and CO2. Flowers - > Flowers produce seeds which form new plants. Fruits -> Holds seeds, protect the seeds. |

A. A plant takes carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air through its stomata (little pores on the leaves) and water from the soil (through its roots) and converts (or changes) them to sugar (or glucose) and oxygen (O2).
1. Chlorophyll (the green pigment in the leaves) uses light energy from the sun to make this conversion.
B. Plants also need O2 for respiration
1. Plants produce more O2 than they need, so most of the O2 is released into the air as waste.
2. One tree can produce enough O2 for 4 adults
C. Plants aren't the only photosynthesizers.
1. Some types of bacteria and algae also have chlorophyll and photosynthesize.
A video about photosyntezis:
Click on the e-learningKids sign to watch the video :
Plants need:
- light (either natural sunlight or artificial light, like from a light bulb)
- carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air(a gas found in the air; one of the gases people and animals breathe out )
- water (which the plant collects through its roots)
- nutrients and minerals (which the plant collects from the soil through its roots)