The official name is Hungary.
The area is 93,030 square km.
Population 9,942,000 people
Official language is Hungarian.
Capital city of Hungary is Budapest.
There are 19 counties in Hungary.
Neighbouring countries are Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Austria.
Currency is Forint ( HUF)
Parliamentary republic
Hungarian symbols:
1. Hungarian flag:
red: symbolises strenght
white: symbolises faithfulness
green: symbolises hope
2. Coat of Arms of Hungary
- The sinister (right side from the viewers point) consists of a silver double cross on red base, situated inside a small golden crown, the crown is placed on the middle heap of three green hills, representing the mountain ranges Tátra, Mátra, and Fátra.
- The dexter (left side from the viewers point) features the so-called Árpád stripes, four silver and four red stripes. Traditionally, the silver stripes represent four rivers: Duna (Danube), Tisza, Dráva, and Száva.
3. The Hungarian national anthem
Himnusz was written by Ferenc Kölcsey in 1823.
The second Hungarian anthem is Szózat. It was written by Mihály Vörösmarty in 1836.
Map games:
Kecskemét coast of arm