Common features of frogs
- vertebrate
- amphibians
- the use of the common names "frog" and "toad"
- cold-blooded
- frogs have no tail, except as larvae
- most have long hind legs, webbed toes, no claws,
- large eyes
- a smooth or warty skin
- A frog's skin is protective, has a respiratory function, can absorb water and helps control body temperature.
- Frogs can hear both in the air and below water. They do not have external ears.
- tadpole (larvae) breathes with gill, adult animal breathes with lung and through its skin
- largely carnivorous
- The call or croak of a frog is unique to its species.
Word bank:
frog (frɔg) : béka
toad ( toʊ'd ) : varangy
warty (wɔːtiː) :szemölcs
smooth (smuːð) : sima
croak ( kroʊk) : brekegés
gill ( ʤɪl) : kopoltyú
tadpole ( tædpoʊl) : ebihal
metamorphoses ( metəmɔːfoʊz) : átalakulás
bulging eyes (bʌlʤɪŋ aɪz) kidülledő szem
catch ( kætʃ) : elkap
depend on ( dɪpend ɔn ) függ valamitől
environment (ɪnvaɪərənmənt): környezet
froglet (frɔglit) :fiatal béka
jelly ( ʤeliː ) : kocsonyás
slug slʌg meztelen csiga
sticky tongue ( stɪkiː tʌŋ): ragadós nyelv
moist ( mɔɪst) : nyírkos
Kecskebéka Zöld levelibéka
skeleton of the frog webbed hind foot
leopard frog rainforest rocket frog purple frog
nem mérgező afrikai béka nyílméreg békák
paradicsom béka
Frog life stages
frogs sounds
The frog eggs into tadpole
the goliath frong with David Attenbhoro
If you would like to know some species of frogs, you can watch videos by arkive: